Thursday 9 May 2013

This is my final piece of work created for my specialism project for ba6. unfortunately i was never able t create a model of the character, however i do feel that i have accomplished my own desire to learn how to create a character mesh through my work for "the wanderer"

Artist Bio

This is a short description of myself as a artist produced for contextual studies.

I am a developing concept artist and 3d modeller with a background in fine art. In all aspects of my work I like to experiment with different styles and mediums, I am willing to adapt to any style to suit whatever project I am working on. I started out as a landscape painter, though I have always been interested in living forms, and later moved more towards Figurative works. I currently specialise as a Character and creature artist, though I have a keen interest in any organic design or form inspired by nature.
For concept art, my preferred style has a heavy emphasis on line art, I feel this this transfers well between analogue and digital art. I like to work using line art as a base, and applying layers of washes working up to more detail with different techniques. In my 3D work, I began using clay, and wire sculptures, though I have also used a variety of polymer clay and epoxy to create smaller detailed Marquette’s based off my own concept art. I am currently studying Game Art and Design at Norwich University of the Arts, where I have learnt to use digital modelling and sculpting software to expand my skillset. I am now working on my first game title as lead artist and 3d modeller, and produce a range of concept art, and 3d game assets as part of a studio pipeline.

Monday 6 May 2013


below is the process of my refinement of the "hunter"

final render

Friday 3 May 2013


this is the progression of my work on the "hound" creature, it was easier to create a pleasing design, from only a few quick concepts because i had already experimented with the design motifs and fee of the design in my work on the "hunter" character.

final render