Wednesday 17 April 2013

Generating a character:

Quick Sketches

Rather than starting with my usual process of creating silhouettes, i thought i would start this design by getting straight into rough sketches. I followed pretty much the same principle as i would create a silhouette (using the sketch to define shape, form. and outline, leaving out more detail to further work) but i think this technique makes for a design that is more readable at a glance, and leaves less to interpretation. I don't think it is necessary to produce a silhouette if i am creating designs only for the benefit of my own idea progression. starting with silhouettes is more useful to get an idea across to a decision making client of team member not directly involved in the design process.

first sketches

These are the first set of sketches i created for this project. They are for the character of the "hunter", as outlined in my brief.  As stated previously i want to base the "Hunter" of a humanoid, or at least bipedal body type, with the "Hound" taking more of a bestial form. I went into more detail on some than others, but only when necessary. 

idea development

After the first set of sketches, i felt the idea of humanoid designs might be a bit limiting, so for this set i tried to push in a less human direction. However as i was producing them, the characters felt less like characters, less like individuals that could experience emotions and relationships, more like aliens in the league of the xenomorph species, soulless devourers than something that a character would want or be able to play as, and from the perspective of. 

pushing the shape further

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