Thursday 14 February 2013

Console Representation: Xbox 360

The unveiling of the Xbox 360, seemed to place it somewhere in between the markets of the Wii and the PS3. This seems expected as it had neither the power of the, PS3 or the technological innovation of the Wii.

The rep from Microsoft (J Allard) claimed that the Xbox would be more " about the gamer" and that  it would "bring allot of different people closer together". Microsoft's focus was more on online gaming integration, and creating a community for gamer's. this would be achieved by taking the Xbox live service that had worked so well on the original Xbox and pushing it to more levels to enhance the game experience in order to make it more friendly to more people.

The advertisement for The 360 however didn't make the console out as being quite as inclusive as the Wii however. as you can see from the promotional material, The console is aimed still at predominantly a younger audience, despite Microsoft claims that it would attract a wider audience. this audience still appears to be young gamer's. the emphasis don't seem o be on attracting new customer bases rather than creating a better more welcoming and customization environment for its existing customer base. This is emphasis on a younger audience is supported by the fact that the 360 announced first on MTV, a network that is aimed firmly at young people.

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