Thursday 14 February 2013

Consoles and Representation

I have decided that for my essay piece for BA5 contextual studies i want to write about image and representation in the game industry. Specifically relating to the graphics and aesthetics (which i consider to be two separate entities) of console exclusive games titles, in an attempt to understand what to expect from the next generation of games. I will look at these things in relation to how they are marketed, and in what way platform manufacturers use their exclusive titles to represent their perceived corporate  image. 

I will focus my essay on the three main games console distributes, Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo. I also want to write my essay in a journalistic style, like that used on the Escapist Magazine (an online magazine). Though i do not think it is a good idea to try to replicate, or be directly influenced by the writing style of any one of their journalists, my main reason in choosing them is their readership, and the fact that i believe it is the right type of audience to aim a journalistic piece such as this at. I had considered writing as if for a publication like the Guardian, who often have a "Games " sub-section within their technology section, however, judging by the topics i am covering i think my discussion would be better suited specifically to gamers, developers and the wider gaming community rather than the general public.

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